Free delivery on orders above $60.00

Deliver between 2-4 working days

Welcome to BeautyFresh


Beautyfresh x HSBC staff

  1. Pricing is exclusive to HSBC staff
  2. Please note that all orders that are not paid will be forfeited
  3. If there are any inquiries, do feel free to email us at or call us at 9711 5489
  4. All orders have to be submitted via
  5. The preorder ends on 30 Oct 2020, 2359.
  6. A delivery fee of $3.00 applicable for orders below $80.00. Parcels will be sent out in 1-2 working days after payment made
  7. Payment mode via i-banking, Masters, Visa, Amex, E-NETS & Paynow

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